
Coming soon on screens you own!
16 October 2019 by
Dwarak Badrinath


Ever seen what happens to the bottle of water you had 
kept under an open tap and forgotten to remove it?

The water begins to overflow and spill all around. Something very similar is happening with my brain these days. Years of accumulating thoughts, opinions, views, and feelings, has finally reached its brim and my brain is ready to spill whatever it has brewed onto your mobile phones, laptops, notebooks, or any other offerings of modern technology. Brain, the most complex structure is known to be extremely mysterious and I have decided not to keep what’s going on in there a mystery anymore. The contents of my brain might not be as precious as water, but they are here to entertain, tickle, question, challenge, and encourage you in some way. I know, you might be thinking what is Dr. Defy all about and what to expect from Dr. Defy. Well, let me introduce myself. As my name suggests, I am a defiant. And by defiant, I do not mean a spoilt disobedient brat. By defiant, I mean I do not like to limit myself within the boundaries of what’s normal, typical, or conventional. I have a voice, which is individualistic and when left unsupervised, it can turn a little sarcastic too. Oscar Wilde has described sarcasm as the lowest form of wit, but the highest form of intelligence. And I can proudly say that I do tend to use it from time to time in my writing. I have no qualms about saying what I feel and calling things as they are. Beating about the bush is a waste of time, and who doesn’t appreciate an honest conversation. I believe in constant learning and evolution. And my writing likes to follow suit. We live in a bizarre world, and if you pay attention to your surroundings there are a million of things worth talking about and making fun of. I can get inspired by anything and everything, and I believe that if you try hard enough, you can find humor in anything. I like to mix things up by making sense and nonsense out of both mundane and phenomenal. The gist of this introduction is that expect the unexpected from Dr. Defy. Want to know what’s the deal with Dr. Defy? May 18th, 2017 is when the doors of Dr. Defy’s brain lab open on the screens you own. So gear up with your lab coats, gloves, safety goggles, and lab shoes. It is going to be a stimulating and fun experiment. STAY TUNED IN for the musings of Dr. Defy.

Dwarak Badrinath 16 October 2019
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